
Testimonial: Beth Ismil, Executive Director - People Enhancing People

Mo helped me to "build plans to bring our vision to life... We were facing having to close and with the work we did with Mo, we were able to dial back into what our mission was and the impact we were trying to have in the community and rethink how the industry around us was changing and we caught up and got ahead of those changes... and put us in a proactive strategic place..."


Testimonial: Jennifer Victor-Larson, Executive Director - HeroSearch.org

"I was developing the idea for my organization and Mo helped me decide where we could go, he helped me look at what my strengths were, and helped develop the entire idea and get started."


Testimonial: Pat Dale, Executive Director - Headway Emotional Health Services

"My time with Mo helped me look for unusual and nontraditional methods to not only learn my leadership but to hone my leadership... Mo instilled in me a lot of foundational skills that I've been able to use with individuals, service area kinds of things that we are working on, organizational challenges or board development..."


"I can honestly say without hesitation that the process that Mo guided us through was the most significant and positive experience I had during my public safety career. I was the public safety director for the City of Woodbury for five years from 2002 until 2007. I spent 32 years of my public safety career there. My job was to oversee the police, fire, emergency management and emergency medical services for the City. Our department always had a strong commitment to exceptional customer service and I felt that one of my main duties was to memorialize this legacy for the City and the Department. We needed to recognize and agree on our mission and plan for the future. We selected Mo Fahnestock of Authentic Leadership Action, Inc, (now www.AuthenticPromise.com) to guide us through this process. Mo led us through a period of organizational change and helped us create our mission and vision. He helped us determine what was important to our stakeholders and what was not so mission critical. One of the immediate โ€œwinsโ€ that occurred as a result of our work together was a reduction in time spent by police officers in non-critical tasks. We easily freed up 10% of their time for more mission critical work. We valued this time at $500,000, which was a 20 to 1 return on our investment. As I retired in 2007, I felt that the expectations of Department and City were clearly defined as a result of Moโ€™s work and the department was headed in a strong clear direction. "

Bill Hering
(Retired) Public Safety Director. City of Woodbury MN

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