Is Your Nonprofit Finishing 2019 Strong? Are You Ready to Launch Successfully into 2020?

Is your nonprofit performing at the level you want?

Do you know where to start for yearend strategic planning?

Is your strategic planning efficient, effective, and actionable? 

 Do you struggle to get your board to look at your whole organization and work with you to start your strategic planning and development? 

Is your staff and board a herd of cats?    

Do you feel like you are all alone? 

Over the last 20 years I've developed an agile strategic planning process for nonprofits

  • Easily completed and launched in 90 days
  • Engages and aligns leadership, boards and staff
  • Quickly studies your organization's programs, systems, community trends and revenue streams
  • Quickly defines priorities and develops actionable sets of agile action plans 

You will finish 2019 strong and launch successfully into 2020!  

I hope you'll consider joining me and a wonderful cohort of nonprofit leaders! 

Mo Fahnestock, PhD

Imagine by next summer your nonprofit performing at a higher level of impact and success

You, your staff, and your board have launched into the new year with confidence, super focused, and deep engagement 

You and your team are focused on strengthening strategically vulnerable programs, systems, and revenue streams and making significant progress 

You see your team and board implementing a strong new strategic course and its taking your organization to higher levels of authentic impact

Finish-Strong Launch-Successfully Nonprofit Mastermind Closes...










Finish Strong - Launch Successfully Mastermind Features

Affordable Training and Consulting

By delivering our Finish Strong - Launch Successfully strategic planning program online we can offer it at exceptionally reasonable rates that almost any nonprofit can afford. Quick assessments and development plans will get your strategic plan up and running in 90 days or less. 

Accessible to You, Your Board, and Your Staff

All trainings, live and recorded, are available online and are easily accessed by computer, smart phone, or tablet 24 hrs per day, 365 days per year. Easy to use, easy to share, and designed bring your team and board together around a proven leadership and organizational development framework. 

Community of Leaders - You're Never Alone!

Being an Executive Director can be a lonely role.  In our private community you will find a cohort of EDs who share and help each other through the challenges and rewards of leading a nonprofit. There's almost always someone who has dealt with the challenges you're dealing with.  Together we are better!   

Training #1 - Leading Your Organization's Authentic Promise

  • Align the strategic focus of your board, staff and leadership team on the Authentic Promise® of your organization
  • Frame the focus of your organization's Authentic Promise®
  • Frame each program offering's Authentic Promise®
  • Focus on the mission critical - High Impact essentials 
  • Avoid mis-framing your strategic focus and spinning your wheels


Training #2 - Authentic Promise's Strategic Organizational Scan:

  • Guides you through how to assess and prioritize the strategic strengths and weaknesses in your organization's programs, systems and staffing

  • Map and analyze the trends impacting your community and organization

  • Board and Staff presentation ready on a one-page diagram


Training #3 - Authentic Promise's Nonprofit Revenue Stream Assessment 

  • Assess your organization's revenue streams and options to diversifying income to support your mission 
  • Assess strategic reliability and autonomy of revenue stream
  • Preparation and planning for presentation to board and staff 


Training #4 - Developing an Agile Strategic Implementation Plan 

  • Prepare board and staff for a successful launch in the new year
  • Communicate the Implementation Plans clearly
  • Build engagement and alignment throughout your board, leadership and staff


2. Four Live Training Q&A sessions with Dr. Mo 

  • Get answers to all questions on the trainings 
  • Customize the training, tools, and application to your organization's needs and aspirations
  • Keep the momentum going! 

3. Five live group coaching sessions with Dr. Mo -

  • Open live coaching sessions - bring any topic of interest and need
  • Coaching held once a month (in October, November and December) and extend into February and March of 2020 to keep your launch momentum going!
  • All sessions will be recorded and uploaded so you will not miss a thing!  


4. Private Online Community just for our Finish 2019 Strong and Launch 2020 Successfully Cohort 

  • A place you can share and support one another as we go through the end of the year course together.
  • Secure online community portal 
  • Support one another, share resources, challenges and successes, and cheer each other on! 
  • Mo will be in the group regularly to add to the conversations

Together we are better! 

Note - The "live" interactive portions with Dr. Mo of "Finish 2019 Strong - Launch 2020 Successfully" will end on 3/31/2020. 

All course recordings and downloads will be available to you throughout the life of the course so you can use them over and over with your board and staff.  


Testimonial: Beth Ismil, Executive Director - People Enhancing People

"Mo helped me to build plans to bring our vision to life... We were facing having to close and with the work we did with Mo, we were able to dial back into what our mission was and the impact we were trying to have in the community and rethink how the industry around us was changing and we caught up and got ahead of those changes... and put us in a proactive strategic place..."


Two Payment Options

You can choose a one-time payment option or a monthly payment for 4 months.

Monthly Payment Plan



Included - 4 Live & Recorded Trainings 

Included - 4 Q &A Sessions on Trainings

Included - 5 Group Coaching Sessions

Included - Private Online Cohort Community

Founder's Bonus - 50% off all future trainings and membership offerings from Authentic Promise®. See below!

Yes, I'm in!

One-time Payment Plan


One payment for the entire program

Included - 4 Live & Recorded Trainings 

Included - 4 Q &A Sessions on Trainings

Included - 5 Group Coaching Sessions

Included - Private Online Cohort Community

Founder's Bonus - 50% off all future trainings and membership offerings from Authentic Promise®. See below! 

Yes, I'm in!

Authentic PromiseĀ® Founder's Lifetime Special Bonus!

By joining this fall's Finish 2019 Strong - Launch 2020 Successfully "Founder's Launch,"Ā you'll become an Authentic PromiseĀ® Founder and will forever receive the special "Founders" lifetime discount of 50% off of all future courses and offerings of Authentic PromiseĀ®.Ā I have big plans for new courses in 2020 and beyond and you'll have the first opportunity to join at Founder's 50% off savings and benefit from!


50% Complete

Two Step

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