Mo Fahnestock, PhD

Experienced guide to nonprofit leaders, boards, and organizations seeking to gain higher levels of impact and success in delivering their authentic promiseĀ®.


Mo Fahnestock, PhD, co-founded Authentic PromiseĀ® in mid-2019 to create a space for nonprofit leaders to come together and explore the challenges and adventures of guiding their organizations through changing times.

All who join Authentic PromiseĀ® become co-founders in our journey to fulfilling the promise!

Authentic PromiseĀ® serves nonprofit leaders with consulting, strategy, governance and leadership development through online and face to face coaching, training and facilitation.

Mo has more than 30 years of consulting experience guiding nonprofits, non-governmental organizations and social enterprises to higher levels of impact and success. 

Mo's strength is helping nonprofit leaders, boards and organizations deliver the authentic promise of their mission by: discovering "what is really going on" within their organization and the community served; engaging the entire organization to prepare action plans that guide organizational development; and, launch the organization to new levels of impact and performance.

Stepping up to the edge can be scary, and guiding individuals, teams and organizations to take the leap is what energizes Mo the most. Mo is adept at jumping into difficult client situations and designing interventions and training programs from the client's point-of-view.  

In the spring of 2019, Mo was honored to be a part of Brene Brown's training for Certified Dare to Leadā„¢ Facilitators and is now bringing that incredible training to leadership teams in nonprofits and companies throughout Minnesota and the midwest. 

Brief listing of past and current clients include: University of St. Thomas, Center for Nonprofit Management, City of Woodbury, Minnesota, Luther Theological Seminaryā€™s Center For Life-Long Learning, Senior Executives Association - Washington DC, Target Corporation, Lutheran Brotherhood (Thrivent), Minnesota Orchestra, City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Larimer County CO,  and Minneapolis Public Schools.

Dr. Fahnestock currently teaches at the University of St. Thomas undergraduate and graduate levels of ENTR 340/708 Social Entrepreneurship and has led three trips to Mumbai India for a J-term course ā€œSocial Entrepreneurship in India.ā€ Since 2002, he has led the Institute on Executive Director Leadership at the University of St. Thomas. Mo has held adjunct faculty appointments at the University of Minnesota and the Masters of Development program at the University of St. Maryā€™s in Winona MN.

Testimonial - Mo's impact on my leadership

Pat Dale, CEO Headway Emotional Health Services. Minneapolis Minnesota


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